Attorney Thomas Watson receives prestigious NH Bar Association Award

Congratulations to Drummond Woodsum Attorney Tom Watson, who has been named by the NH Bar Association as the winner of the 2013 E. Donald Dufresne Award for Outstanding Professionalism. 

The award is given:  To honor the memory of E. Donald Dufresne this award is presented to an attorney the best fits the following:

A professional lawyer is an expert in law pursuing a learned art in service to clients and in the spirit of public service; and engaging in these pursuits as part of a common calling to promote justice and public good.

In the words of Attorney Mark Broth:  “Don Dufresne, who worked almost his entire career at Devine Millimet, was truly a “lion” of the bar and one of the best trial and appellate lawyers of his generation.  He instilled in generations of lawyers that the practice of law is a profession, not a job; that lawyers owed their clients their absolute best efforts; and that lawyers owed each other and the courts our honesty, integrity, and candor.”

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