Understanding and Respecting the Civil Rights of Students with Disabilities

SUNY Adirondack enjoys a diverse student population and is committed to affording inclusive educational opportunities to all. Students with disabilities present a wide array of educational challenges and opportunities to diversify our instructional methods. The College is committed to ensuring that each of our students enjoy an equal opportunity to participate in every aspect of campus life. To assist us in meeting this goal, we are pleased to offer a professional development opportunity for faculty, administrators and staff addressing the College's legal obligation to students with disabilities. Jeanne M. Kincaid is a nationally recognized lawyer who specializes in disability law matters in educational settings. Using a variety of case studies, Ms. Kincaid will provide an overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA")/the Rehabilitation Act, emphasizing its application to college life. Particular areas to be covered include who qualifies for protection, a review of the College’s basic policies and procedures of which faculty need to be aware, student and faculty responsibilities, what is considered to be a reasonable accommodation, student confidentiality and student conduct. With the advent of emerging technologies in instructional design, Ms. Kincaid will also address the importance of faculty awareness when using such technologies with students with disabilities. We will also address how to collaborate with the Accessibility Services Office to enhance our compliance efforts.

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