Developments in New Hampshire Education Law: State Statutes

A few highlights from Developments in New Hampshire Education Law: State Statutes:

  • Chapter Law 136 – Implements a 14 day timeframe for schools to respond to FERPA records requests.  Schools will need to revise their policies.
  • Chapter Law 125 - Changes the process for approving school reassignments under the best interest of the student standard to require school board approval.  Schools will need to change their school reassignment policies.
  • Chapter Law 161 – Puts forth state requirements on the administration of non-academic surveys or questionnaires to students.  These are not entirely consistent with the federal Protection of Pupil Rights Law (formerly Hatch Amendments).  The law requires schools to develop a policy under state law – schools will need to revise their policies on this issue.
  • Chapter Law 270 – Prohibits schools from requiring a student to provide a social media username, passwords, etc. and from requiring the student to access a social media account in a school employee’s presence. 
  • Chapter Law 128 – sets forth online privacy protections that must be as followed by operators of an “Internet website, online service, online application or mobile application with actual knowledge that the site, service, or application is used primarily for K-12 school purposes and designed and marketed for K-12 school purposes.”  Schools should review all contracts they have with service providers to ensure that they comply with the protections set forth in the new law.     

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