MHRC Wants to See Whistleblower Protection Language in Your Policies

The Executive Director Wants to See:

  • An actual recitation or reference to the law at issue (such as the Whistleblower Protection Act) so employees know what laws protect them.
  • A description of how to make a complaint (orally, in writing, when, where, what good faith is and is not, etc.).
  • A description of what the employer will do with the complaint and how the employee can proceed if nothing is done.
  • An anti-retaliation statement.
  • A reference to the MHRC complaint process if the employee feels that the company’s policy has been violated.

 Now is a good time to dust off your policies, snuggle up in a comfy chair by the woodstove, and read your antidiscrimination and harassment policies. If you do not see these 5 elements, please give us a call, and we can help.

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